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The Council for Area Development and Management of Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Yurakucho > Area Activities

Smart City

Smart City

The Otemachi-Marunouchi-Yurakucho District aims to improve the international competitiveness of Tokyo and Japan by creating a state-of-the-art smart city in the heart of the city.
We see the smart city as a means to achieve the urban development goals outlined in the “Otemachi-Marunouchi-Yurakucho District Urban Development Guidelines,” and hope to “update urban functions” and “redesign urban space” through the collaboration and co-creation of industry, government, academia, and area management organizations and through the use of new technologies and urban data. We hope to realize “updating urban functions” and “re-designing urban spaces” by utilizing new technologies and urban data.

OMY Smart City

Yurakucho Art Urbanism

Yurakucho Art Urbanism

“Yurakucho Art Urbanism YAU” is a demonstration program that brings a wide range of artists, from media arts such as video and photography to performing arts, to the city and induces interaction with workers.

Following the first phase from February to May 2022, the second phase was implemented from October of the same year at a studio on the 10th floor of the YURAKUCHO Building, and from October 2023, the location was moved to the KOKUSAI Building to continue activities. We are examining what kind of changes will occur when art intermingles with DAIMARUYU, one of Japan’s leading business districts with approximately 350,000 workers, and we are fostering a co-creative community.


Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure

In recent years, the concept of green infrastructure has been gaining popularity as one way of thinking about sustainable and flexible cities.
Green infrastructure is a concept that seeks to utilize the functions of the natural environment to solve various issues in society.

Aiming to create a “sustainable city that coexists with the environment,” as stated in the “Otemachi-Marunouchi-Yurakucho District Urban Development Guidelines,” we will actively incorporate green infrastructure initiatives into urban planning to create urban spaces that are comfortable and full of creativity.

CY2022 pamphlet download here (7.9MB)